Episode 13 - Gemma Wilson "Finding your birth ability for a positive birth"

Season #1 Episode #13

Meet the incredible Gemma Wilson. In this episode we tap into her wisdom and passion for serving women to be empowered through a positive birth experience.

Let's get Gemma to introduce herself:

Hi I'm Gemma

As a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula, I feel that I have a crucial role to play in helping women understand how birth really can be and helping to empower and educate them to have the birth they want.

I am a mum to two beautiful children, they constantly amaze me and not only have they changed my world, but they also led me towards the path of birth. 

The birth of your children are moments that stay with you for the rest of your life. I remember the day when my babies entered the world, I remember being proud, empowered, amazed, in wonder and awe of what I had just done. My body made these tiny humans and I gave birth to them. It’s the most incredible, overwhelming, emotional and inspiring time in a woman’s life.

I am passionate about helping mothers regain their connection to their innate ability to give birth. I want to offer mothers a new way of looking at birth that will lead them from fear to freedom, that will give them knowledge to make informed decisions, help them feel empowered and understand that they have choices and most importantly that they feel confident giving birth.

I’ve learnt a great deal about pregnancy and childbirth from personal experience and from my training to become a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE) with Tanya Strusberg of Birthwell Birthright. 

Lamaze International is the most respected, trusted and recognised credential in childbirth education certification worldwide.

Being able to teach childbirth education courses and support expectant women and their partners by helping them build their confidence for what is, without a doubt, the most wondrous and awe-inspiring moment in a their life is something that a truly value.

Gemma Wilson - Birthability Director & Owner
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator & Birth Doula

Lamaze Australia - Markerting Director & Board Of Directors

You can connect with Gemma at

The additional links would just be:

Website: - www.birthability.com.au

Instagram : - https://www.instagram.com/birthability_birth_education/

Facebook : - https://www.facebook.com/BirthabilityLamazeChildbirth

Lamaze website: - www.lamazeaustralia.com


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